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Disclaimer: Coldwell Banker Hickok & Boardman attempts to list service providers with a history of good customer service and we welcome your feedback. These programs are designed to provide customers with services and may or may not have a reduced or discounted price for the product or service being offered. Home Services providers may have paid a fee for their participation in the program. Neither Coldwell Banker Hickok & Boardman nor Coldwell Banker Corporation are providing the product(s) or service(s). It is the purpose of this Disclaimer to notify you that Hickok & Boardman is not offering these services directly to you, but rather putting you in contact with the service providers. Upon such contact, you will be dealing with the service providers and their associated support staff in connection with the requested services. Hickok & Boardman makes no representations or warranties as to the viability, success or workmanship of such services. All products/services being offered are provided solely by the product/service provider and Coldwell Banker Hickok & Boardman is not liable for the performance or result of a provider's services.